Organized walking tour in the mythic world of anciant slavs

Organized walking tour in the mythic world of anciant slavs
The Trebišće - Perun hystory and mythology trail

Expert guide, nature and history expirience, museum, drinking water source, picnic, telling stories in the village

The area Trebišća - Perun was chosen by first Slavic settlers as the site for their most sacred ritual, the stage for ancient mythical events between god Perun and  god  Veles, on which the cycle of life and natural changes, crucial to human existence, was based. Recent scientific resarch has supported the old assumptions that these slopes of Mount Učka were holy to the first Slavic settlers.
Taking this path you will learn more about  who the Slavsare, what we know today about their origin sand what were their beliefsand mythology.

22.09 2012. 10 a.m.
Start INFA Annalinea
at 12:00 in Trebišće organized performances Saying mythological stories

Registration ANNALINEA d.o.o. tel: 051 737 207
Turistička zajednica M.Draga tel: 051 739-166
ANNALINEA d.o.o. i turistička zajednica Općine M.Draga

Donation by walker symbolic £ 20
- In case of bad weather - Sunday 23.09. 2012th